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Tracks to Two Way Learning link

 Tracks to Two Way Learning is a train-the-trainer resource aimed at engendering positive change through the four dimensions of Staff Knowledge and Practice, Community Engagement, Policy and Practice and Learner Engagement, to improve quality teaching and learning across education, training and the workplace.

The resource, developed collaboratively by Aboriginal and non Aboriginal researchers, educators and community people, has three parts: a Facilitators Guide, 12 Focus Areas containing resources and activities to deliver workshops, and a Sample Workshops Guide to model the possible use of these.

The Facilitators Guide provides guidance to a Two-Way Facilitator Team (an Aboriginal and a non-Aboriginal person working as partners in a team) on how to collaboratively plan and deliver short term and long term professional learning to their colleagues, using the 12 Focus Areas resources. Activities can be altered to ensure the delivery is most suited to the specific needs of a particular education or training site.

This Western Australian resource is available through this link Tracks to Two Way learning
